I've had joey for close to 3 months now. Next Sat will mark her 3 months' birth. I was trying to coax her to sleep this morning and suddenly a thought came to my mind: Nothing is too difficult for me now.
It's not just the carrying to full term and giving birth part I am talking about. It's having joey in every single inch of my everyday schedule.
Today is Friday, which is supposed to be my off day. But I'll be going back to office later to settle some important stuffs. Will be leaving Joey in the hands of her father, so I will be able to make a quick trip to office and come back quickly. *baby, pls don't make things difficult for your daddy k.. be a good gal and just eat & sleep..*
It would be the first time I am going back to office without Joey in a long long time, counting in those 10 months she followed me to office in my tummy. And I suddenly felt that it's going to be so easy going to office. Not that it's been super hard with Joey, but the packing of her necessities, carrying that heavy bag and with a 6-kg baby who may decide to cry any time without warning can be quite a stressful daily affair. Today I will probably have a very relaxing MRT ride, reading my July issue of Home & Decor.
It then dawned upon me that God probably thought the same way after He created the heavens and the earth. After a massive creative project is completed in perfection, that was probably his thought: "Is anything too difficult for me now?"
I am not saying I am God. But I have also gone through a creation process and now I can truly understand the essence of that statement.
Towards my baby, I will always feel that there is nothing too difficult for me. At this young age, she probably believes that about me as well. Because at this stage in her life, she only has me in this whole world. To her, I can do anything and everything. I can find milk for her when she is hungry. I can change her diaper when it's wet. I can change her clothes and bathe her and make her comfortable. I can bring her to places. I can bring her a blanket when she is cold. To her, I am everything.
But as she grows older, she will start to question the validity of this statement. Especially when she asks a question that I cannot answer, but pretend that for her own good, insists that she go check out the encyclopedia herself.
Isn't this the same between us and God? Except that God points us to the bible because He spoke those words, and not because He doesn't know the answer Himself.
When we were just spiritual babes, we cling on to God like He is our everything. He is able to provide for us everything we need, materially, emotionally and spiritually. But as we grow older in our spiritual age, we start to rely on ourselves more and sometimes forget that our God is Almighty and He is El Shaddai.
The truth remains though. He created everyone of us and everything we see around us, and there is really nothing that is too difficult for Him.
"For with God, nothing will be impossible." Luke 1:37
Today this became rhema in my life.