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Sunday, February 28, 2010

An Off Day Is Needed

You know, ever since I started this religious regime of blogging everyday, I’ve not disappointed my readers much. There were only one or two occasions when I could not blog because my kids were sick, and I was late for once because I couldn’t connect to internet and the entry got posted only at 9am. Still, 95% of the time, I managed to keep to my promise to blog at 830am every morning.

And I’m glad I decided to do something like that because it motivated me to take more interest in my kids and in everything that do – big or small. I have to think of something to write about them everyday, and because my blog is a photo-intensive blog, I also have to be disciplined to take photographs as much as I can, so that I have materials to publish.

I have to admit, there were days I didn’t know what to write about. There were days when I was so exhausted from a day’s work, and was about to head towards the bedroom when I realized I had forgotten to write the next day’s blog. And usually that happens after 12 midnight. Still, I managed to persevere most of the time!

I love blogging because in writing, I become clearer about my thoughts, and sometimes I get revelations out of my own thought and feelings! Some things I wrote just came out naturally and I was at times shocked at why I wrote certain things. Haha!

Having said that though, I’ve decided to give myself an off day once a week and that’d be SUNDAY! :)

A big thank-you to all of you who read my blog everyday and follow me on this amazing journey of raising 2 genius beauties! It’s been a joy to share my life with you! =D

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