Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Big Mummy Kless Giveaway- The Winner!

If you participated in the contest, I’m sure you can’t wait to see whether you won!

Mummy Kless Giveaway Logo

First of all, a BIG thank you to everyone of you who made the effort to leave comments and took part in the contest! It was such great joy reading the different comments and your very kind words! Let’s see what are the comments!


I think Jayne is just so cute!
She is such a "smiley" baby! All you need to do, is to get her attention, and she gives you the brightest smile possible!
She reminds me again of what is child should be like! Carefree and enjoying your life always!


What I like (no, LOVE) about Jayne is the fact that she is such a smiley baby! Honestly, can any baby smile more? Tooooo cute!


What I like about Joey/Jayne (choose one) is her ability to bring out the best in her mother.


What I like about Joey & Jayne is .... they are the cutest babies in the world! A single lovely smile by them can turn a mountain of worries and troubles into nothing! Best of all, becos of them, i know their mummy has to be the most wonderful woman alive!!


What I like about Joey is that she have pretty unique eyes which is so small that made her stand out of all the kids.


What i love about Joey is the funny things that she says! They lift up my bad days in an instant! :D


What i love about Joey is the cutest,funniest things that she say and do. It never fails to make me happy and think that actually deep down in all of us adult, we still can afford to have some 'child-like innocence'.
What i love about Jayne is her ever smiley face, really heartening to know that happiness can be so simple.


What I like about Joey, was her bubbly laughter and character :) She's such a lovely kid that whenever i saw her in Church's playground(Kids @ Play), i can't help but to smile to her. Being a fan of her and this website, it brought a closer understanding of her! Haha. She's definitely a wonderful sister, and daughter. When you feel sad, i know that she'd console you with her innocent smile and 'sayang' you with her gentle small hand. And that moment, you'll know how angelic she is. :)


too many things about Joey and Jayne that I love that it is simply impossible to list them all here. One thing that I must comment is none other than their enchanting smile, especially Baby Jayne!!!! OMG. She is such a smiley baby that when you are with her, it is impossible not to be cheered up at all!!! =))) I heart the 2 girls!


I tend to prefer Jayne over Joey at the moment. Not that I meet either of them at all but I love seeing baby pics and mummy takes wonderful ones of Jayne... it really helps to scratch my 'baby itch'. :)
Jayne looks like she's gonna grow up to be an outgoing gal with a constant beautiful smile on her face. Just have to love her!

















Congrats MeishiAng! I love your comment and thanks for loving my kids! I’ll be contacting you soon for your details.. =D


Till the next Big Mummy Kless Giveaway!

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