Kids will always be kids - They will never leave any stone unturned.They poke their heads (and hands) into every single thing and they need to get to the bottom (literally) of everything.
The moment I let her roam freely on the floor, she immediately makes her way towards the cupboards, pulls them out and starts ransacking!
And have I told you about how she got hold of my packet of wet tissues, started pulling out the tissues one by one at amazing speed and then dropping them onto the floor. I was too slow to catch her in action. By the time I did, there was already a huge pile of unused wet tissues on the floor next to me.
Yes, something like this. =.=
Like the air purifier in the office nursery, she can’t get her hands off them. Something about that whitish squarish blockish thing that attracts her.
She fiddles with the buttons, and attempts to switch it on and off. Many times.
This is all part of her journey of discovering how things work.
We are trying to train her to stand on her own without holding on to anything. She can sometimes manage 3 seconds before falling to the ground, so I think she’s really going to start walking soon! Hallelujah!
By the time she starts walking, I am certain she will continue to feed her curiosity in many other ways. The days ahead are only going to get busier…