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Friday, June 10, 2011

Removing Bogies Should Be Easy As 123! (And A Giveaway!)

Sponsored Review

I bet nobody ever told you before you became a parent that you’re going to become an expert in many exotic arenas.

For too long now, people have only been focusing on the magnificence and glory of parenthood – That you’re giving your life to another being in this world, nurturing them and turning them into people who would contribute to this society and make a difference to the general good of mankind.

If you are not yet a parent, I am sorry to burst your bubble, but the truth will set you free. Way more true than it sounds.

The truth is, the moment you turn into a dad or mum, you suddenly become an expert at feeding milk, burping, diaper-changing and wiping backsides. Because you do all these tasks so often everyday, the only way to make life more interesting and less monotonous is to set some records for yourself – You try to break your own record of the time used to change a diaper. Yes, life gets that boring sometimes. To further spruce things up, you sometimes attempt challenging stunts like digging bogies out from your kids’ noses. Don’t underestimate this. Kids absolutely hate having a finger stuck up their nostrils. I hate it too. Unless it’s my own finger.

I don’t even have to go into the details of how much preparation work does into a mission to dig out the bogies from my kids’ noses. I have to stand by sweet treats, switch on an interesting cartoon on the TV  or bring out buckets of lego, just so that the kids’ attention can be focused somewhere while I attempt the complete my mission. Sometimes I succeed. Most of the time, I fail.

Thanks to Sophie & Friends, this bogie-digging business is getting so much easier now! They sent over a product known as Cleebo, and it’s a baby & kids’ solid/semi-solid nasal mucus tweezers!


Just to give you some background info about this revolutionary product: Cleebo is made of ABS plastic and comes with 5 interchange-able tips that are made of medical-grade silicone. These end tips are soft and brightly colored that aim to stimulate interest from the child, thus making the mucus-clearing a more fun-filled experience.


Traditional methods of removing dried mucus are often dangerous and unhygienic. According to an independent survey of 1000 parents commissioned by Cleebo, 80% admit to using their fingers, cotton buds, twisted pieces of tissue, pencils and even hair pins to remove dried and unreachable pieces of dried mucus. So desperate are some, that they even suck the stuff out of their babies’ noses (ekkkssss!) According to the 23 independent medical professionals surveyed, 80% of them confirmed that Cleebo is the best way to clear nasal congestion in children, in a safe, hygienic and easy-to-use product. There have been many positive feedback about the product thus far!

I tried the Cleebo on my baby, and surprisingly, she seemed to enjoy the process!

The moment I brought out the Cleebo, she was attracted by it and started fiddling with the colourful tip of the tweezer.


Then I tried using the Cleebo to ‘dig’ out the dirt from her nostrils. It was really easy to do! Just put it in, clasp and drag.


I am assuming it caused no discomfort to Baby Jayne at all because she didn’t move an inch and didn’t flinch at all. That’s quite a feat for my hyperactive kid, you know?!


I am so glad I now have such an easy-to-use equipment to do the nose-digging from now onwards! Sometimes, a little help for motherhood is much appreciated. =D

Before I end, I am happy to let you know that Sophie & Friends has kindly sponsored one set of Cleebo to be given to one of you readers! If you’d like to win a set, simply drop me an email at with the title, ‘I’d love to have a Cleebo!’ and you just might win for yourself one set of Cleebo! Remember to include your name and mailing address so that we can mail the prize to you should you be the lucky winner. Closing date will be on Friday, 17 June 2011, 1700hrs. I will be announcing the winner (randomly selected) on this blog on Saturday, 18 June 2011. Do note that this contest is only open to those residing in Singapore. Looking forward to your emails! =D

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