Monday, July 02, 2012

The Crossover Is A Missions Project

The recent media frenzy over the allegations made against five individuals in City Harvest Church has caused me to wonder why is there so much scrutiny on this project known as 'The Crossover'.

I guess what most people are concerned about is that a Church's funds are being used to support an individual's singing career. First and foremost, the ones who are making the most noise are probably those who has never given a single cent to the Crossover Project, which is just a big joke in itself. I know it is in human nature to quickly point an accusing finger at someone simply because everybody's doing the same. Whether or not the information provided has been sifted through or thought through carefully, the easy way out is to 'join in the fun' and be part of the herd that's discussing about the 'talk of the town'.

But what I do not understand is why is there so much to rejoice over the 'fall' of another? If I put it into the context of Christianity, I am all the more bewildered. Sure, you can be righteous and seemingly blameless all your life, but is there a need to feel so happy that another person has been accused of doing a wrong thing? What is the mentality behind all that 'rejoicing over another man's plight'? Does it make you appear more righteous and smarter in any way? Besides, the verdict is not even out. One side of the story is all we've heard so far and basing your judgment on just one side of the coin doesn't sound very smart to me.

Secondly, the Crossover Project has always been a missions project in City Harvest Church. It has NEVER been an individual's project or singing career. Right from the beginning, this vision has been conveyed clearly to the Church and it is agreed upon and supported by the members of the Church. The Crossover allows us to use other media to reach out to those who might never come to know about Jesus through traditional means. It is a channel through which we can bring Jesus to their lives, and they in turn, make a decision for themselves whether or not to believe in Jesus Christ. Missions is a core function of any church, and definitely a fundamental part of CHC. It is very reasonable to me: Using church funds to finance a core function in the church. More importantly, I say the fruits and results we have seen from the Crossover Project speaks louder than any criticisms you can throw at the rationale of this Project. You can check out this compilation of the fruits of the Crossover put together by Juslin.

'Why do we speak up?' has been a question posed to me by many others, including friends and families who are outside of the church. Some have even asked why can't City Harvesters just pray, keep mum on social media and stop appearing like 'brainwashed fools'? My answer is very simple: If someone tries to speak against my family and I keep quiet and do nothing about it, I can say  how much I love my church and my spiritual leaders and it means absolutely nothing. And I am not brainwashed - I speak up because I have experienced much love from God and in CHC. Now even if I have to appear as a fool to the world just to prove my stand, I will. If I have to be counted as one of the fools among 30,000 in Singapore just so that I know I have done all that I can within my means to let my voice be heard, I'm willing.

I love City Harvest Church because it is where I know very clearly it is where God has brought me to and planted me in. This is going to be the place that my kids will grow up in, learning about the Word of God and being taught the principles of life. This is where we found our purpose and we are proud to be part of the great work God is doing in our church. We are a family through and through.


And my final point: I love Jesus and I live my life for Him and Him alone. I love Pastor Kong, Sun, Pastor Tan and all the rest involved in the case, but I do not worship them or idolize them. We are all human beings trying to live out the calling that God has put into our lives the best way we know how. And I've made my choice to believe and trust in their integrity. You can make your own choice, but whatever choice you make, it does not affect the outcome of the case. Like I always mention, I believe that God has the final say. And before he makes that final say, I say just pray. TYVM.

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