Monday, June 24, 2013

Major Motherhood Pet Peeve Revealed

Disclaimer: Today's post is not triggered by any recent incident, but this was just something that came to my mind when I was just thinking back my last 7 years as a mom.

Everybody has different pet peeves. I mentioned several of mine in my previous birthday post, but if I have to pinpoint one pet peeve related to my life as a mom, it's got to be this:

Having people tell me what is best for my kids.

I know I may come across sounding like an arrogant and stuck-up woman, but the truth is, I don't believe anyone else apart from Isaiah and I have the right to make any decisions pertaining to my kids. Not their grandparents nor their Uncles & Aunties, and definitely not concerned friends of ours.

Of course, the people have well meanings. Although a portion just have a need to constantly express their views whether or not they are welcomed, there is a group who genuinely cares and hopes to share tips and ideas that can improve our kids' lives. I am appreciative of people who give ideas and gently remind me, but I am not okay if I am made to feel unworthy and inadequate as a mom should I decide not to take the advice.

I am just grateful that such scenarios seemed to have decreased significantly as the kids grew up. When they were babies, I got advice from how to hold my babes to how to burp them, or what I should or shouldn't have fed them, or questioned why I would allow them to cry it out in the middle of the night without attempt to soothe them. When I was trying to cope with being a mom of young kids while balancing my job, me-time and time with my husband and parents, that added unnecessary stress on me then.

Now that the kids are older, I get nagged at for different things - why I would let them watch so much TV, why I could tolerate them speaking singlish, why I would allow them to eat sweets and titbits, etc etc etc. Quite frankly, I don't think this will ever end. Perhaps man has this innate ability to always see the worst in people in comparison to themselves, thus feeling the need to have to correct others, or at least give "kind advices". It sometimes drives me nuts, quite frankly. Being a mom is tough enough without all these nonsense! Plus, my kids are my responsibilities and I can decide how I want to raise them, no?

I realise this is not my typically happy cheery post, but just so you know, motherhood is not all smiles and happiness. There's so much struggles and emotions I go through on a daily basis. I struggle with whether I am spending enough time with my kids, whether I am really good enough, whether I've fed them well, whether I've been kind enough to them, whether I've hugged them enough, whether I've encouraged them enough, whether my time spent with them was quality and fruitful enough.... so many things run through my mind everyday simply because I know I am not adequate, and I can do better. I know all that, and that is why I don't need someone else to keep pointing out my inadequacies, thankyouverymuch.

Thankfully, while I am not the perfect mom I wished I am, my kids do love me for who I am. I may not be as sharp or smart or alert as other moms who could take super good care of their kids, but I really try my best to love them with all that I have. I think God is really kind to me to have given me kids so understanding and loving. What more can I ask for?

My wish for my kids has always been the same one since Day One, and that is for them to grow up happy, healthy and loving God. Nope, they don't have to become doctors or lawyers, or earn big bucks and let me live in a mansion with two maids (of course that would be very nice).

I just want them to be happy people. Period.