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Friday, March 15, 2013

Disney On Ice - The Kids Loved It!

Sponsored Review

Last night, we had a most awesome time at Disney On Ice: Princesses & Heroes. It is our first time going for the Disney On Ice show, even though it's been coming to Singapore annually for a few years. And this is probably the best year to catch it because the theme is on Princesses & Heroes - that thought alone made my girls excited for days before the show.

Did I like the show? I would say I enjoyed it as much as my girls. While Joey was able to shout out the name of every character that appeared on the show, I was mesmerized by the familiar theme songs of every Disney story that was featured. Listening to 'A Whole New World' while watching Princess Jasmine & Aladdin skate gracefully on the ice was such an amazing feeling. That's my favourite Disney theme song, by the way. :)

There were surprises in the show as well, such as the use of pyrotechnics, falling of snow flakes and even fire! All that made the show interesting and won much applause from the audience. The performers did very well too, I thought. Some attempted highly difficult stunts, but everything was executed perfectly and in good timing. I've always liked watching ice-skating performances, and I am glad to say that Disney On Ice did not disappoint. I enjoyed every bit of it.

Sharing some snapshots taken during the show - If you are thinking of catching it, hurry go get your tickets before the show leaves Singapore for their next stop on Sunday! Details at bottom of blog post.

Fri, 16 Mar 2013: 3.30pm, 7pm
Sat & Sun, 16-17 Mar 2013: 10am, 2pm, 6pm

Duration: Approx 1 hr 50 mins
Interval: Approx 15 mins
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium

Ticket Price

Cat 1 - S$90 (Rinkside)
Cat 2 - S$60
Cat 3 - S$40
Cat 4 - S$20

You can book your tickets here.

Thank you, Disney On Ice for the sponsored tickets!