Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Letter from Mama

Dear Joey

In a couple of days' time, you will be 7 months' old in mama's womb. I think it is time I write to you because I believe you would have a clear understanding of all the thoughts that go through my mind as I write this letter.

Today, Pastor Kong spoke about something I thought you might be interested to know. I am not sure if you understood everything Pastor talked about today, since you are now only learning to grasp with papa's charming voice.

Pastor told us that you were already in the mind of God, before papa and mama even met! Oh.. yes, I know.. so romantic right? Mama also thinks so. Even before I met your papa, God already knows we'll meet, fall in love, get married and have you as our first daughter. You already existed in the vast imagination of God and He has got all your destiny and paths planned properly. I am as excited as you to see what great plans God has in-store for you. The first thing you've done was to bring great joy to papa and mama. That's really a good thing you've done even before you were born, you know? : )

I love you, baby. You've been a very good and obedient girl in the past 7 months. Never giving mama any problems, morning sickness or discomfort. Even your kicks are ever so gentle and light. Sure there were a few times I got taken by surprise by some huge kicks, but on the whole, you have been a very sensitive & considerate baby, knowing that mama got many things to do and need to concentrate as much as I can.

I believe in the power of confession, just like what I read from the book "Supernatural Childbirth". And I want to confess the following things about you everyday, until you come to this world:

  • Eyes: Vision, be perfect. Big, round and sparkling eyes.
  • Ears: Hear perfectly.
  • Skin: Complexion, be good and flawless.
  • Teeth: Form perfectly, be strong and not prone to cavities.
  • Bones: Be strong, healthy, straight, none broken.
  • Heart: Be strong, healthy, untroubled.
  • Respiratory system: Be healthy and strong lungs and bronchial passages; no sinus problems, hay fever, bronchities.
  • Blood: Be normal, healthy. Maintain proper blood sugar; no pollution in the blood.
  • Digestive system: Function normally.
  • Position of baby & cord: Joey, be head down and in perfect position at birth. Cord, be perfect length and position, not around Joey's neck.
  • Temperament: Be full of peace - a calm, sweet spirit and a tender heart.
  • Sleeping habits: Joey, you will sleep at night; you will get plenty of rest & let papa & mama rest too.
  • Joey's spirit: You will be tender toward God and the things of God; saved at an early age.

Papa and mama will pray for you everyday. I believe your uncles & ah yees will also keep you in prayers. Keep growing healthily and get stronger each day.

Oh, by the way, you might be happy to know that we will be shopping for the things you need soon. It'll not be long before we will meet, so in the meantime, keep growing till full term. It's going to be another exciting journey after that.

