I was searching for stuffs online the other day to entertain Joey, and I came across this website: http://www.activityvillage.co.uk which has printable alphabet coloring pages, and so I printed all 26 alphabets out.
The printables became useful today because Joey was feverish and I stayed at home with her so that she can get a better rest, and hopefully go back to school tomorrow.
One alphabet on each page, with a picture of something that starts with that alphabet. A good way to teach your kids about alphabets and associated words.
Randomly chose the alphabet F, and we started our activity. Cut out small triangles from yellow colored papers, and Joey was supposed to fill the whole alphabet by pasting the yellow paper onto it. This of course helps her in her motor skills for pasting and covering up the white spaces.
It keeps Joey entertained and gives me time to attend to some work. Happy with this set of free printables. :)
The completed project! :)
I think Joey really colors well for someone of her age, don’t you think? The fountain was colored by her. =)
the words quite cheem ah.. quintet and fountain... cant they do like a...ermm..
queue, and a ermm.. fox. or fire
Great Recommendation!
Will check out the site
wow... looks interesting!! =D
@ster|x - ya boy.. I saw some of the words and thought to myself- I don't even know them.... It's more for the coloring, I suppose...
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